This gallery has been established in a dungeon built by the Dutch, located in the Moon Bastion, which is the largest bastion in the Galle Fort. Visitors to this gallery would get a basic knowledge of the important events recorded in the history of Galle f=during the pre-colonial and colonial periods, through the statues and paintings displayed here. The moon Bastion was originally built by the Portuguese during the latter part of the 16th century. They named it Conceycao. After the conquest of Galle Fort by the Dutch, it was renamed by them first as Middlepunt ( Middle Bastion) and later as Moon bastion.
The specific part of the bastion in which this dungeon has been built was identified by them as Cat, Kat or Cavalier. There is no evidence to show that the British made any alterations to this dungeon or used it for any specific purpose. This dungeon which was kept closed until 2012 was opened up and conserved by the Galle Heritage Foundation.